My name is Will Koffel (That’s Will, short for William ; and Koffel with a long-”O”, like “Koefull”). I’m a Boston area technologist, entrepreneur, startup nut, musician, husband, and father. I was born November 11, 1977. Born and raised in Massachusetts, I attended MIT where I received double degrees in Computer Science and Music Composition.
In my professional career, I’ve been leading technology innovation teams for over 20 years, as a serial venture-backed CTO, founder, developer and product manager. In addition to my operating roles, I’ve served as an advisor, investor, consultant and mentor-in-residence for many Boston area startups. I joined Google in 2016 by way of a startup acquisition, where I held roles leading Google Cloud Startup Programs, building a zero-to-one project in Google’s internal incubator, and working on special executive projects tackling some of Google’s biggest long-term threats and bets.
In my non-professional life as a musician, I’ve been performing and composing for many years. I play piano regularly, both for my own enjoyment and in an accompanist role for friends, and I’m a singer, performing year-round with the BSO and Boston Pops.
And as a husband and father, I’m blessed with a beautiful and brilliant wife Jen and son Dexter.